Vasvi Muralidhar
Born and Brought up in Kuwait - Not Dubai, UAE ;) Wrapped up my 12th grade at the Indian Community School Kuwait. Moved to India soon after to pursue my B.E in Bangalore at M.S.R.I.T. Worked in Kuwait Airways for 5 years and now shall chase my life-long dream of annoying someone for the rest of my life ;) Through my journey, I’ve found friends who are now family and my life wouldn’t be the same without them – Thank you for everything!
A ‘PING’ on my phone distracted me on a rather warm October evening as I carried out mundane activities to grudgingly kick start my Sunday - Thursday work week (a concept Karthik has refused to understand – he still asks if I work on Friday!). Swift email exchanges, Gmail outage and WhatsApp marathon later we decided to take the next step!
Karthik has the innate ability to light up the room with his alluring charm, wit, amiable demeanor and quick repartee. He’s a power house of information and If wiki ever hangs – get in touch with karthik! We are both outdoorsy people and enjoy taking the path less travelled, exploring new cities, new towns and countries. He is a highly talented closeted photographer. His infectious enthusiasm is something you have to watch out for. I am a devout Federer Fan and he, an avid Murray Fan– tennis fans out there ought to know how that goes down :) Karthik has an eclectic taste in music and prefers background scores and instrumentals and while I share his taste in music, I prefer listening to the lyrics and get enraptured by its poetry. Karthik is most definitely a night person and I, an early bird – explains how we kept in touch, does it not? As for his jokes – Wait till you hear them!
IT professional by day and avid anime watcher by night. I have been in the Washington, DC area in the US since 2011. I was born in Chennai and schooled in various cities, finally graduating from NIT Trichy in 2009. Since then, it has been a joyride in the US of A. My interests include tennis, anime and badly constructed jokes. Family and friends that are like family are what have kept me going all these years in this continent.
Email! If people tell you sending emails is not as 'real-time' as say WhatsApp or Google Chat, check out the famous Gmail nation-wide outage of October 2016. That was when we first started chatting via email. And then came the famous WhatsApp outage of 2016. I should probably build them a temple.

Karthik Venkatesh
Vasvi made it easy to hold a conversation with. She is patient and keen in her listening, witty in banter and poker-faced with my jokes. She goes whole hog in what she does and she does a lot for family and friends. We love trying out new stuff - weird foods (purely vegeterian of course. Cough.), new places to visit, music from all over. The list goes on. She made it easy to enthusiastically talk about any topic. The next day, she would have read up on that stuff; shows how much importance she gives to your interests. Her being a skillful cook makes my soul happy and her budding interest in Anime makes my heart happy. I seem to be using 'happy' a lot. Probably because that is what she makes me..